He has all the red & tan Dobie markings and body style but the hair texture, ears and tail of a GS. yes the whites are known to have health issues, the blacks seem ok and are rarely found anyway. Hi, Ive been thinking about breeding Dobermans but not sure. Curious about the White Doberman you mention. Thanks so much! Hes the sweetest dog ever! Ive had German lineage Black and Rust Dobes (larger more stout and a bit calmer), American bred Black and Tan and my favorite an American Red (brown and rust). And the oil is only one of the horrible things in their food. So they are very susceptible to sunburn, vision problems. Menu. . He lived to be 16 years old. Theres this awesome thing called Google, use it, and dont just click on the first thing you see and read it. Im now looking for another Doberman. This is where we are today. Take for example the Bullmastiff. Can a fawn doberman have a pink nose or do all of them have brown nose? So please before you make some uneducated snarky reply again please refrain from your own ignorance! Not everyone wants one, and people are impressionable. Bless u for trying anyway. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to feed her? Ie, If a black dog has one partial ablbinism gene, it becomes blue. I have a male and female black and tan dobermans the female i got frim indiana the male i got from tennessee i just bred them last year and one pup came out white so please explain to me how my white doberman is the product of inbreeding some of you need to realize thats not the only way their made. Back in the beginning, Ayla was tested for pigment. As for good foods there are so many nowadays. Hello Im getting an all black Doberman in about a week and I keep reading all these negative things about them. Shes beautiful, smart, and a very interesting colour. Yup, did not think it wise to have a pup, but then life happens. When you visit a breeder, ask to see the mother and father to judge their friendliness and get references. Theyre doing no harm though. Also, a neighbor had a visitor with a beautiful blue dobie girl. Please do not spay or neuter your pets. All my dogs have been indoor dogs so by dark mom was holding the door open for her to go in. My second oldest Cream/white is going on 11. Do you live in America? But do not carry the Z mark on their paperwork. Known ailments associated with the Doberman (Von Willebrands Disease, Wobbles, Hip-Dysplasia) come from careless breeding. Thanks, Ok this is crazy! the cause is called interbreeding. My lovely boxer/rottwreiler just passed away last week at the ripe old age of 16! A Black and Rust pedigree Doberman Pinscher has the same chance of being a carrier of poor, breed-specific, genes as the White. A lady friend of mine brought her three kids over while we were living together ages 1 1/2 3 1/2 and 4 1/2. The blue and white are both puppies from are black and tans it is in there back ground so what are you trying to say these puppies don`t deserve to live what kind of animal lover are you You know who you are. I must say I came to this site for help and I feel as though I have found out inevitably that my pup will have issues her whole life. My white/cream girl is perfectly healthy. Its because of people like you who feel its not worth it to neuter them, therefor they keep reproducing . But I surmised that a low dosage daily would be better. More educated people know about this so spread the word. Joanne, I rescued a White Dobie about a year and a half ago and in December had a tumor removed from his eyelid and a few from his lip that were cancer. I adopted a white Doberman who is 5 year old and I also own a Black and Tan Doberman I brought home form a wonderful breeder. He looked kind of like a ghost dog. Cause I promise not everyone loves your children. My white Doberman is both death and blind but very sweet. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a895c028ab54c6c138d816584ff46fb6" );document.getElementById("c0a37e25a6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Hi, Im Jaki the creator of Dobermans Den. The term Doberman and Doberman Pinscher refer to the same breed of dog. It is not for betterment of the breed, for confirmation or for the show ring because they are not the breed standard. Then of course laying a good foundation of basic obedience is essential, thats fine if someone else teaches the basics but when the pup comes home to you it needs to feel confidence and trust that youre the alpha leader now. They are partial albino and not should be bread. we all know that dobes are very intelligent. We have tried adopting from rescues, which did not work, as they have issues due to abuse. that tan black the tan brown and the white doberman are nice looking im getting one soon. Unfortunately I am from Romania and I think it would cost me a lot more as it is also a great distance. All-black Dobermans are rarely seen but do exist. He is not fixed, and he is very unagressive accept to male dogs who barge into his territory. This matter was also of large debate with the German shepherd, which was later accepted. Met her yesterday. Ill buy your dog. Im getting the Blue and red ones. Mom kept saying that she didnt like Dobermans and Chantelle would sit next to her and lay her head on her lap looking up at her. because the black ones are the best for you and far superior to the plain white ones. This is the most popular and most often seen hair color. Never give anyone or any animal a second chance. Recently lost our beloved 12 year old stroke and cardiac arrest and we have been so very devastated. Best dog I ever had. Where do you live? So me and my husband adopted a 10 month old Doberman from San Antonio Doberman Rescue and advocacy. In my opinion, not a good idea. Hey Sarah, do you know of a good breeder or where I would have the best chance of finding a white? However, when we look at the longevity of, say, albino rabbits, guinea pigs, pigeons and budgies, we can realistically say that being white in itself is not fatal to a species. She, as well had a skin issue. We are in touch with rescues, petfinder and have advertised. This can lead to aggressive behavior, like fear biting. The Albino doberman is NOT a WHITE doberman. My daughters female black and brown, and male black and brown got together cause one of the children let them make outside when the female was outside. I would never say put the white dobermans down, they ARE dogs, but to purposely keep trying to breed white dobies and keep the color going is completely irresponsible. If the horse has only one gene, it makes the underlying colour paler. However we can trace its roots back to the late 19th century whence it was bred to halt poachers on gamekeepers land.They tried the English Mastiff; Too passive: poachers got away. They say the white ones have eye sight problems & skin issues. The white Doberman is not an inbred retard but a beautiful color variation of the Doberman breed. My red/rust has a bladder issue and is on daily Proin. The answer, Anything and everything! From cleaning solvents to toxins such as rat poison. White dobermans can be sickly or healthy as can ANY other dog. When I lost her to cancer, I never got another one. The local shelter has several purebred dobies waiting to be adopted right now. No tail cutting should be done after and only by vet. Thanks. Perhaps through pain or just lifes experiences have instilled, branded them deeply into your heart and spirit. I had a red king dobie for several years, I took him to the local petsmart for trading classes. The environment is everything. The vet told me the breeders usually put the white puppies to sleep and any animal lover would not do such a thing. We do limit her time in the sun as you would with any fair skin mammals, like me. Your going off on the author of this site does nothing to change that. To do otherwise is just plain selfish. In my opinion if yo decide to breed the it should be a z to a non-z this is just me and i know that somebody will chew me out behind it but we all humans come from 2 people. Doberman is a brilliant dog with any color and ears and if you want to have companion for you and guard for your children take doberman. Does that NOT send a red flag right there? He had a very nice temperament also. So, yes, hes required a bunch of extra care. The two who currently share my life are the most recent of the 11 Doberman Pinschers that have graced my world from my past. The PROPER term is black and RUST and it is sad to see you propagating such MISINFORMATION about the breed!!! Our Doberman was the Black/Tan type. The only precaution i would give is that they tend to be very protective over their pack mates (my children) i never had any bitting issues but a stranger can find then very intimidating. People would come a far away to get one of her dogs. When my dad walked away, my mom firmly but calmly told him to cut that barking out, and he stopped barking, sat down and wagged his little tail at her. however one thing that i have seen on most of the websites is that they do not like to be left alone for long periods of time, even in fenced in back yards. Ill never forget them. I know I should have done my research first but I was told that she was gray. Not only is the white Doberman not albino, but ALL health problems that have been found in white dobermans can be found in other colors as well except for skin sensitivity which is found in all short haired white dogs. There is no health issues nor do they have behavioral issues, I find it funny when people say they are bad but have never had or seen one in person lol. Im somewhat discouraged because shes such a sweet girl and I love her already. So I was thinking of her as well. Anyone who truly cares about the breed should not want to shut down discussions of genetic facts as proven by science not emotion. Brenda. I cant imagine life without a Dober-girl/boy by my side. This is our background. So if you breed your dog again, you have 25% chance of every pup to be white, and 75% chance to black. All domesticated animals including all dog breeds are a bit of an abomination or reconstruction of natural selection and I feel that we need to be wary of pontificating or judging the significant efforts of those who believe in breeding white Dobermans. But I cannot feel anything other than grateful, because I feel as though we have rescued her. I am getting ready to buy the only black and rust puppy from an all white litter. The difference is obvious at first glance, but on careful study, you will see how much of the original Doberman Pinscher has been deleted from its current U.S. counterparts. I am concerned that our rather flawed, poorly evidence-based opinions may rob us of the pleasure of some lovely animals. There are just to many reports of health risks, and all just so you can have one in a white color. Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of an enzyme involved in the production of melanin. As far as Im concerned they are the best all around breed you can get. I think some people have developed an absurd bias. Treat them right and the will do the same. Do your research. Okay, I own a beautiful Dob. The white doberman is obedient and beautiful also good with my children. I recently purchased a melanistic all black doberman from a reputable breeder and in conversation with her about the different colors of dobermans, she said that the cream ones are not albino at all. Second major problem and most expensive: woke up one morning and found MoZart wimpering and saw his eyes had changed colors: one was blue, the other a strange greenish color took him to the emergency vet hospital and found he was suffering from a corneal ulceration :-(. Personally I think the standard colors are quite beautiful but then Im a bit biased as my Princess is a red. The only surgery she has ever had was her spay. In the begining there was only adam and eve..they had kids one died so how do we have billions of people if we did not practice inceset at one time should we have stopped because one of us had 6 fingers, lighter skin, stomach problems, or even had multiple births? With my present Doberman Ive never fed this leading brand. My name is nick. Shut your mouth dumbass, if people wanna spend their hard earned money on something they want then let em.who the f**know are u to say anything. Who knows what condition she would have been in had we not come along. We have done all the testing that any breeder should do. Hello to all, my family and myself have bred and raised Dobermans for over 40 years. THE WHITES NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES WITH BAD SKIN OR EYESIGHT OR HEARING! Yes, he requires a lot of exercise but the entire family is spoiled by his great temperament. I agree with you and on a recent visit to the vet with our new rescue he was pleased to see that he was 2 yrs old before neutering (we have no choice when getting a rescue) because he said recent studies showed a 15% reduction in cancers if neutered at 2 years AS COMPARED TO NEUTERING AS A PUPPY). (If the shoe fits). She was rehomed due to biting a child in the family. The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. Ive owned nothing but dobermans for 30 years and I have owned and rescused every color, including the z factor whites. So that inbreeding excuse everyone makes as a scare tactic really doesnt fly if you do your research . Some people want purebred dogs from a RELIABLE source. Yes i agree dont breed for a color (but i do want a white) but for temperment and health i have seen dobies that are just ill tempered in any color. My Doberman is just a carrier but suffered not only a corneal ulceration but also a host of other skin diseases! I passed my Fawn off as a Weimie for most of his 13 years. They were not deaf, they did not have red eyes (The trait necessity to call a diluted color gene, an actual Albino). , I have grown to love the Dobmerman due to their intelligence, loyalty and gorgeous looks. NEVER EVER DID I SEE THAT IN ANY OF THE WHITE DOGS I CAME ACROSS! The white and the black. Idiot! Some have went on to shows. He loves the nieghborhood kids and all of the visitors that come into the house but he is always on guard when strangers come around. Health issues are rampant in dobes. Pure breeding REQUIRES inbreeding. The white puppies are not a MUTATION GENE that has never been proven and is a lie. Thanks for any info. Dogs from shelters can be trained and make very good companions. No one has to be put down anymore these days. You dont understand breeding. Can you tell me how your girl is doing and maybe send some pics? I am an animal activist, but I still think its okay to cut their ears as long as it is done correctly and under anesthesia with great care taken to keep the dog out of pain and tending to the healing correctly. They are not standard. Im in N. Calif. Near Sacramento. If you need more information about 55+ Doberman Haversham Purebred, you can check the following LINK . I am a veterinary nurse and kennel club registered Doberman breeder in the UK. When he started to try to walk she was right there to make sure he didnt fall wrong or to hard. The white dobie has long since outgrown the initial inbreeding through which the breed was developed,as the Bullmastiff once did. Brenda. The people at the shelter wanted her to adopt him, but they couldnt because he needed to go to a female only home. But the allel can occur spontan and of course, your dogs can be offspring from this white line. I am proud to say I own a white doberman male one of the best i have ever had as a companion I also have kids and he thinks he is one of them. He explained coherently, the albino thing.might you should reread the article with peace in your heart for claritys sake. You need to remember all dogs came from the wolf and though breeding such as line breeding and inbreeding we have a wide variety of dogs some good some not so good but they all deserve our love and care no matter what. I wish people would stop talking trash about them when they have never experienced having one. He was barking the whole time and immediately started growling at my dad when we walked past his pen. He has the sweetest temperament and is an old soul, he has beautiful blue eyes, loves other dogs, kids, cats and people in general. My daughter has a 1 yr old purebred Red Doberman/German Shepherd and he is a doll. Amen to that. White dobermans came from 1 dogI repeat1 dogwhos children were repeatedly bred back to her until more were produced. My white may squint in the sun but so do I! i think whitedobielover has the most sense of anyone on here. In the meanwhile we have adopted a 7 months old dobie girl. Humans as a species have not been around, in any influential way for very long. Today. There are a lot of falsehoods on the internet about so-called albino dog or whites a white which is a cream white mix which is what theyre referring to as Z Factor are not albino, i have one female puppy white black and brown colors mix i have one doute she is original daberman and fake. Good morning. Youre a FUCKING BOZO!!!! I may not need to have them trained as a PPD service dog, this I am debating on because being familiar with the breed I know they may just will react if I am ever in a situation as I was just experienced. When it came to thunderstorm phobia, all neutered or spayed Vizslas were at greater risk than intact Vizslas, regardless of age at neutering. Keep him for a week let him run and do all the things that make him happy, then bring him back. The next most widely seen color is the red Doberman, which is a light brownish-red hair coloring. These last two Doberman colors, the greys, and fawns are sometimes discouraged from breeding. Hello Sharon, we finally had our appointment with a cardiac veterinarian. What I find truly aweful about this entire string of comments to dates back to July of 2008 is the fact that there is so much venom and passion about the z factor dobies but its all a senseless argument. A post shared by Mazikeen Zenobia (@mazetherotterman_) 2. so its ok to cut boys peniss but dont touch dog ears? I can always refer you to my breeder. Love them for the world. I started with a potassium tab that you can get at almost any store. I am sad to know that it is highly likely she will not live as long as some of your dobies. Unagressive accept to male dogs who barge into his territory EYESIGHT or!... The will do the same I should have done my research first but I not... Keep reading all these negative things about them bladder issue and is on Proin... And dont just click on the first thing you see and read it who currently share my are... 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